Revita Testimonials
Revita Testimonials
Check out what Revita customers are saying...
“After a few months on the program I saw a huge difference. I had lost 20 pounds of body fat and developed muscle and tone I hadn’t seen in 15 years. I really saw the difference on the basketball court. I am playing against guys in their teens and twenties and staying up with them. My overall athleticism, strength and stamina have skyrocketed.”
– Dave
“I have noticed improvement in strength and mental acuity. As a pilot I need to be sharp and focused. And I wouldn’t say that I was far off, but when I went on the program I noticed right away my ability to quickly find words and articulate my points returned to the level it was at in my 20′s. I always worked out and ate right. For two years prior to starting the program I went to the gym and pretty much only attained incidental improvements, but as soon as I went on the program I felt stronger.”
– Mark, Charlotte, 49
“I can’t pinch my fat. My trainer is impressed with my gains. Today I worked out for one hour with weights, then did 5K training for one hour…so two hours today. I WAS NOT doing that before. My body has changed a lot…and libido is drastically improved. My wife has certainly noticed a difference. I can’t wait to get my updated body fat test done.”
– Adam, Virginia, 44
“I have a lot more energy now that I decided to get on the Weight Loss Program! I get out a lot more, my friends see more of me, and I even had the energy to go out on the town for my friend’s birthday party! I feel so much better about myself and I actually have the want and the drive to work out and eat right instead of making excuses. I even canceled the appointment with the cleaning company to come and clean my house and I cleaned it all myself because I wanted to!”
– Devine, 47
“Diet is unbelievable. Of all diets I have tried, the Revita Anti-Aging Weight Loss Program is the easiest! This diet has given me the most gratifying changes! I feel 10 years younger, and I’m excited that I will finally be able to walk next week when we go to Europe without being tired! I have so much energy! I am so happy that I started the Weight Loss Program!”
– Frank, 72
“I went apple picking the other day with my daughter. I had energy the whole day that I spent with her. I picked her up to help her reach an apple, and when I placed her back down, she said, “I like the NEW, FUN Dad.” It moved me, because I know I hadn’t been able to do these kinds of things with her before. That’s what it’s all about. Improving my life and of course improving the life that I share with my daughter. I now feel better and sleep better. Thanks Revita Anti-Aging from me and my daughter!”
– Scott, 33
“My husband has been blown away. But it has been more interesting day-to-day as he sees me in old clothes that either are way too big or that now fit again. He saw me in my old running clothes the other day and was SHOCKED. People here have been a little funny. I see them looking, but they are hesitant to say much. I saw my hairdresser yesterday when I took the girls in and he just gushed over me. My good friends have noticed, but others just stare right now. I did bust out an adorable black knit dress, not formal, just PTA-ish, this morning to walk the girls into school and felt very polished and energetic. I’m very proud of myself and the program. It’s been the first program that actually worked like it claimed to, and I feel great!”
– C.B., 41
“Before I probably would have sat down when I came into your office. Now I’m just ready to go and do something. I just feel ready to go and I don’t want to sit around. And I am a better husband. It used to be painful to think about cleaning the house after dinner during the week, and we have 5 children and 3 dogs so there are always things to clean. Now after dinner I don’t want to sit. If it looks like there are things to do I just start doing them. Before I would look around and the thought of doing all these things was overwhelming. Now it’s not a challenge. I just do them without thinking. Really though for me I’d say the blood pressure is what I’m happiest with.”
– Wade, Charlotte, 42
“Being able to sleep at night makes it all worth it. I told my husband if nothing else the sleeping part is worth it in and of itself. People have noticed the difference. The owner of the gym came up to me about a week ago and said, ‘Wow you look amazing.’ Then the owner came up to me again yesterday while I was working out and said, ‘It’s amazing, you have this glow about you.’ I don’t know what it is but I’ve had several people tell me I look really good. I think my skin is brighter and fuller, I just feel like I look a little more rejuvenated. But I have heard on many occasions people say ‘you look good today,’ but don’t say why. I attribute it to energy, I heard that a lot while on treatment. Oh, and my husband…I have not seen him fit like this since his twenties and he is 54 now. A lot of people have noticed, even my son has noticed how well he’s eating and how frequently he is working out again. We were driving into our development the other day and there were lots of younger guys in their thirties out in the yard working, and my son turned to me and said ‘Dad is in much better shape than all these guys.’ It was just funny to hear my son proud of his dad like that and make this comment out of the blue. That’s just one random example but we’ve had a ton of comments. We just got back from Florida recently, we were visiting one of his longtime friends who said ‘you look much younger, slimmer, fit and brighter, it’s amazing.’ I’ve seen a lot of positive transformation in my husband, it’s been great for both of us.”
– Kim, Denver, 48
“I’d say that everyone my age needs to try it! I’m 59…Now, my body feels like a “spring”, because a spring “bounces back.”All of my friends noticed a change!” *
– Allen, Charlotte, 59
“I feel a lot better, actually. I’m down a pants size or two. My libido is back. I work out now; even if I stay out late I can get up and feel good, believe it or not. As you know, several of my business partners are on the program. We all went out with clients late one night and I actually got up early and was in the gym first thing. They couldn’t believe it. I certainly didn’t do that before coming in to see you.”
– Chris, Plano, Texas, 41
“I just feel a lot better now. I was moody, I didn’t sleep well, I was often anxious and I had hot flashes. I like doing it naturally too. I don’t like putting chemicals in my body. BHRT is the smart way to go.”
– Faye, Charlotte, 65
“I cannot thank God enough for finding REVITA! 3+ years ago I had to have a full hysterectomy. I had my first appointment about 4 weeks ago. Walking into the REVITA Anti-Aging office was so peaceful! It was like a breath of fresh air to have medical professionals listen to me talk about how I was feeling and at times crying my way through it. And not having the doctor simply write a prescription and send me on my way. When all was said and done I was given hope! I am so thankful and so amazed that in even this short time my family and I notice a difference. I am sleeping through the night. I am laughing again instead of crying most of the day. I have energy to play with my kids! And most of all my husband has his wife back and my children have their Mom.”
– Peter & Lisa, Bahrenburg
“Wow, overly euphoric. I mean really energetic. At the end of a long day at work I feel like I want to go home and hit the treadmill. It’s phenomenal. I sleep phenomenal. It’s weird… it’s a sound, sound sleep, a really restful sleep. I still only sleep six hours but when I wake up, I feel really rested. My night sweats are gone, I feel much sharper mentally, my clarity is like, ‘bring it on.’ I just feel so clear. And I felt better within a week, I felt a lot better. The hot flashes before used to be unbearable. I’d be in a meeting with regulators and I’d just break out into uncontrollable sweats. I feel much more relaxed, clear, and focused during all my meetings throughout the day. I can’t wait to start the Weight Loss Program, oh and my husband’s going to come in too.”
– Mary, Charlotte, 54
“Stamina on cardio is amazing. I used to do three miles as a work out, now I do three miles just to warm up. Nice increase in body tone, I had love handles before. My body fat percentage has dropped. I eat a lot healthier. My mood is WAY, WAY, WAY different. I am a new person. I’m almost off anti-depressants. The last one I took was four days ago. Before I could not go ten hours without the side effects. I didn’t like taking them. The anti-depressants are just band-aids. I did a lot of research before starting and the literature said ‘better outlook, more motivated, more energy.’ All of that is spot-on…I’m a new man. My physique is much different. My waist is smaller and I put two inches on my arms. I feel so much healthier.”
– Vern, Denver, 51
“I feel as good as I did in high school. I’m loving it. Just bought new jeans, I’m down two pant sizes. I’m doing yoga, P9OX and I ran 5 miles yesterday. I want to be active again. Three people last week asked about my diet and exercise. It is because I look so much healthier. People can just tell I’m healthy. I’m loving it. My nine year old son is now doing P9OX with me so he can look like Dad someday. I really enjoy being so healthy.”
– Jose, Fort Mill, 37
“It’s like night and day. I work 50-60 hours a week and I used to come home and hit the couch – that’s all I had energy for and that’s all I wanted to do. When I started I was 235 lbs with 25% body fat. Now I’m 10% body fat and weigh 205 – I feel so much better.”
– Ray, Gastonia, 47
“Hormone replacement made an incredible difference in my life. I mean really all aspects of my life. Energy, my outlook, mood, motivation, everything. I even went back to school and got my contractor’s license I was so motivated following treatment. In addition to working more than full time as an attorney, I studied for 4 months in order to do that – there is no way I could of or would have had the desire to do that if I didn’t get on the program. I had to read a stack of books several feet high and work full time. I needed much less sleep when I got on the program… and I felt much more rested and energetic.”
– Dale, Charlotte, 54
“I can work, and work, and work; I have a ton of energy. I entertain clients late into the evening in both the US and abroad and I’m up and ready to go again in the morning. On the weekends I’m Disney Dad… we are taking the kids to Disney for the 9th time in 5 years. After a long week, I’m ready to do things with the family and kids all weekend… so my energy is just great and I attribute it to the program. Oh, also I can work out for a short period of time… like 20 minutes and I am able to keep my physique. My body just responds. The guys ask me what I do and I tell them. As you know many of them now come here. What you do is great. I love it.”
– Mike, Charlotte, 39
“I am doing WONDERFUL!!! I have lost 6 lbs this past week and a half and I have high energy. I realize I definitely have to get 8 hours sleep with the progesterone. My fibromyalgia is not as severe and I am able to be more active. My daughter fell off the golf cart three weeks ago and broke her ankle and had to have surgery. I have been playing nurse. I have a goal sheet for some important things I need to accomplish this summer and have begun to work on it. My friend that brought me to your office has been having some health issues and his doctor believes it is hormonal… I will bring him to visit you soon. I actually had not been taking my progesterone until about 2 weeks ago. Why, you ask? Because since I saw you I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and they had me on Lyrica and Cymbalta. Both helped; however, I didn’t want to mix too many meds. I could kick myself for not taking it sooner because it has made me feel so much better. Words cannot express my gratitude for what you have done for me. I haven’t had a hot flash except for the two days I was out of my NHR creams. YOU GAVE ME MY LIFE BACK, HOW DO YOU THANK SOMEONE FOR THAT? After the first of the month, I intend on coming to see you and will make an appointment for my friend. I detailed my car and cleaned up for 6 hours this weekend. I have not washed my car in a year and a half. I thought I’d be exhausted today…but I feel great! I feel like I used to, my skin looks like it used to. I sleep amazing. Thank you for giving me my life back!”
– Lori, Clinton, 51
Revita Medical – The Fountains
8133 Ardrey Kell Road Suite 201
Charlotte, NC 28277
© 2024 Revita Anti-Aging®